Three Pinellas Hope clients received Outstanding Student Awards at the annual Pinellas Adult Career and Technical Education Association (PACTE) Student Awards Ceremony. All of the clients have worked hard to achieve success and have been students at the Adult Education program that operates six days per week on the campus of Pinellas Hope. The Adult Education program, staffed by teachers from the Dixie M. Hollins Adult Education Center, is just another of the services offered to residents of Pinellas Hope.
Two of the students were recognized for receiving their GED while the third student, who is also working toward his GED, was recognized for his consistent hard work in his studies.
Approximately 25 residents and staff of Pinellas Hope attended the ceremony to show their support and to celebrate the success and the determination shown by the three clients who received awards for their educational efforts.
Education is the key to success in any walk of life: The three clients who received awards have taken this adage to heart and demonstrated that continuing education is a key to transitioning from homelessness to employment and self-sufficiency.
The achievements of these clients have renewed the commitment of the Pinellas Hope Program to ensure that all clients take advantage of the educational opportunities that are available right here on our campus. A Pinellas Hope Program guideline requires that all clients who are unemployed will devote at least 10 hours per week to adult education, and that those who are employed will devote at least 5 hours per week to adult education. We are fortunate to have devoted teachers on our campus who assess the educational needs of each client and who will work with each client to develop a program based on their individual needs. This is a tremendous opportunity that is freely available to all our clients.